Rolling Out a New System
With Confidence
Making a strategic investment in a new system is a significant business decision with high expectations for improved efficiencies, compliance, or transparency. As you prepare for your system implementation, or as you move past implementation into everyday use, stakeholders need confidence that the process will meet internal control requirements, and will ultimately be a value-added change to the business.
Johnson Lambert’s System Implementation Review process assesses the risks of a system implementation, pre- and/or post-implementation, addresses all system development and maintenance life cycle phases, and sets your organization up for success in utilizing your new system.
Our approach is flexible and can address your program’s inherent risks, ranging from functionality concerns to unsatisfied stakeholder requirements. We will understand how Agile is being implemented in your development process, delivery schedule, the team structure, and program organization. This will lead to efficiencies and more effective risk mitigation.

Scope of a System Implementation
Assessment Engagement
Customized for each unique organization and system, the scope of our engagements are designed around your specific risks, timing, and desired business outcomes.
Project Management Methodology
Project management implementation methodology is documented and implemented to ensure information systems are designed to include application controls that support complete, accurate, authorized, and valid transaction processing.
Security Assessment
Application roles are defined to maintain appropriate segregation of duties. Access to the operating system and database is limited to authorized personnel and based on job function.
A testing strategy is developed and followed for all significant changes in applications and infrastructure technology, which addresses unit, system, integration, and user acceptance level testing to help ensure that deployed systems operate as intended.
Interfaces with other systems are tested to confirm that data transmissions are complete and accurate.
Data Conversion Testing
The conversion of data is tested between its origin and its destination to confirm that it is complete and accurate.
Release Approvals
Appropriate considerations are made and approvals are obtained prior to go-live.
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Know What’s Happening
We proudly add value to our clients by specializing in providing these services to your industry, working with various entities similar in operations, size, or areas of opportunity.
Whether it is a new claims system, an underwriting system, or any of the other customized and nuanced tools created for and marketed specifically to insurance entities, we have experience with major systems used across the business cycles for insurers. We have seen successes and helped through challenges; we understand how your organization needs to use these systems, the complicated data involved, and the controls you need in place to meet regulations and requirements.
Nonprofits utilize an increasing volume of tools and systems to create efficiencies, have and utilize better data, and operate in more remote environments than ever before. As you introduce new systems into your organization, you will benefit from a partner who not only understands these technologies and your risks and concerns, but one that knows how tax-exempt organizations operate and the critical value you add to your stakeholders.
Our Professionals Are Always Looking for Ways to Improve Your Business’ Operations.