One of the Nation’s Largest Insurance-Focused CPA and Consulting Firms


Hello, Evolution. Meet Insight.

We Know Insurance Inside Out.

Johnson Lambert has been serving the insurance industry since the inception of our firm. We understand the dynamic business environment in which insurance companies operate and the regulations to which they are subject. Our practice and service offerings have grown over the years to meet the needs of this ever-evolving industry. Our professionals are active thought leaders in the insurance community, sharing their years of experience and their focused expertise.


Insurance Practice

By the Numbers

Our insurance expertise runs deep, and our commitment to the industry is evident in the facts. We are consistently ranked as one of the largest accounting firms serving the insurance industry, and our client service commitment is illustrated in both our client survey results (measured using the Net Promoter Score methodology) that rate our service as world-class, and in talking with the hundreds of clients we have been serving for extended periods of time.


insurance entity clients


largest auditor (P&C)


largest auditor (Life)


Types of

Insurance Companies We Serve

From millions to billions in written premiums, we work with insurance entities across the United States and selectively international locations, including a variety of organizational structures, lines of business, and reporting requirements.

Commercial Insurance

We serve property and casualty insurance entities as well as life and health companies. Our expertise runs deep; no matter your lines of business, our team sees it all and is well-equipped to support your business and your organizational goals.

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Captive Insurance

These entities are alternatives to self-insurance and each one is truly unique. Captive insurance companies need a CPA firm that knows this industry inside-out. We serve 400+ captive and alternative risk entities.

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Public Entity Risk Pools

Our practice focuses on providing risk pool auditing and advisory services. We understand that public entity risk pools are nuanced entities with a deep commitment to member service.

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Risk Retention Groups

Our firm has a rich history of working with risk retention groups. Today, we serve approximately 25% of the risk retention group sector.

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Know What's Happening

Upcoming Changes in Auditing Standards Johnson Lambert LLP is dedicated to keeping you informed on the impact of upcoming auditing standards. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has issued Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) 143-145, which address estimates, […]

Johnson Lambert is dedicated to keeping you current on the impact of the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 326 – Financial Instruments – Credit Losses. This white paper presents the most significant changes related to […]

Has your organization’s human capital pipeline and structure been shifted recently due to the pandemic or new capabilities in remote working? You are not alone. The pace of human capital turnover and change continues to accelerate across many industries, including insurance, […]


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